“Mastering the Art of Running openSUSE Linux on Windows 10 – ZDNet”

2 min read

“Boost Your Productivity: Run Ubuntu AND openSUSE on Windows 10 with WSL!”

Last year, Microsoft and Canonical joined forces to deliver Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), revolutionizing the way we use Linux on Windows 10. Now, SUSE has joined the party, making it possible for users to run openSUSE on top of Windows 10 as well. Forget about dual booting and get the best of both worlds! Get ready to boost your productivity with WSL and run Ubuntu and openSUSE seamlessly on your Windows 10 machine. Follow these simple steps to get started:
1. Boot up Windows 10 and enable Developer Mode.
2. Install Windows Subsystem for Linux (Beta) under “Windows Features.”
3. Launch Bash and accept the terms to download Ubuntu.
4. Create a non-root user for Ubuntu.
5. Update Ubuntu to the latest version.
6. Download the openSUSE Docker userspace package.
7. Create a new root file system for openSUSE.
8. Backup Ubuntu rootfs and replace it with SUSE rootfs.
9. Set root as the default user.
10. Enjoy openSUSE on Windows 10 with WSL!

And the best part? With the WSL-Distribution-Switcher project on GitHub, the possibilities are endless! Switch between different Linux distributions like CentOS, Fedora, and Debian with ease. Say goodbye to limitations and hello to maximum productivity. With WSL, you can have it all.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiRmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnpkbmV0LmNvbS9hcnRpY2xlL2hvdy10by1ydW4tb3BlbnN1c2UtbGludXgtb24td2luZG93cy0xMC_SAQA?oc=5

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